Mokens League Tokens are the utility tokens of the Mokens League gaming economy.

They are fully compliant with Polygon blockchain standards, featuring a maximum supply of 500,000,000 tokens

Mokens League Tokens function as the primary utility currency within the game. Players can make in-game purchases using fiat currency. Transactions processed through a special gateway lead to up to 100% of the funds being directed to redeem Mokens League Tokens from exchanges, ensuring consistent buying pressure and revenue stabilization.

This method sustains market confidence in Mokens League Tokens while simplifying the gaming experience for Web2 players.

A selection of exclusive customization assets in the game can only be acquired with Mokens League Tokens. While fiat payments are accepted, the cost of these assets is tied to the real-time value of the token. In such transactions, 100% of the funds are utilized to repurchase Mokens League Tokens from the market, thereby enabling the acquisition of these assets for the player.
Mokens League Tokens are the utility tokens of the Mokens League gaming economy.

They are fully compliant with Polygon blockchain standards, featuring a maximum supply of 500,000,000 tokens

In-Game Purchases:
Players can use Mokens League Tokens for various in-game purchases, such as player upgrades, special abilities, or unique items.

Exclusive Content Access:
Certain game content or exclusive items may be accessible only through Mokens League Tokens.

Tournament Entry:
Tokens can be used for entering tournaments within the Mokens League ecosystem.

Win to Earn Mechanism:
In competitive play, players can wager Mokens League Tokens, with winners earning a portion of the pot.

Reward Distribution:
Winners of various competitions or tournaments might receive Mokens League Tokens as part of their prize.

Community Engagement:
Community events or contests might offer Mokens League Tokens as rewards for participation or achievements.

1 Competitive Structure: 
Similar to Sit and Go Poker, players enter a match by staking a certain amount of tokens. This competitive structure emphasizes skill and strategy, much like a poker tournament.

2 Wagering Mechanism: 
Players use their Mokens League Tokens to wager on their performance in matches. This creates an exciting and competitive environment where players can earn tokens based on their in-game success.

3 Winner Rewards: 
The winner of the match or tournament receives the majority of the staked tokens, creating a direct correlation between skill, victory, and earning potential.

4 Platform Commission: 
A small percentage of the pot (commission) is taken by the platform, mirroring the house take in poker, ensuring a sustainable model for the game's economy.

5 Token Circulation: 
This model encourages active circulation and utility of the Mokens League Tokens within the ecosystem, enhancing their value and usability.

6 Skill-Based Earning: 
The focus on skill and strategy differentiates this model from many other play-to-earn systems, aligning more with the competitive nature of esports.

7 Accessible to All: 
While the model is competitive, it's designed to be accessible to players of varying skill levels, allowing a broad range of participants to engage and potentially earn through gameplay.